The Chrysanthemum has been grown for a long time as cut flowers, they fill the garden with colour when little else is blooming and re now available in so many varieties, colours and shapes that we wonder if they are about to have their moment. Dahlias have been the Queen of the cut flower patch for many years but with a resurgence in homegrown cut flowers, the humble Chrysthanthemum is about to take the front stage to fill the borders later in the year.
Which Chrysthanthemum to pick for your plot
There are many different types of Chrysthanthemum and each requires different care and conditions but don’t let that put you off. When you know which type you are growing, it is easy to follow the guidelines. Generally, the taller varieties are used for cut flowers but there are also low growing varieties and some perfect for pots. Many can be grown outside all year if the weather is mild but for colder areas, they may need to be lifted. Always check the type you have and don’t be afraid to ask for advice. Just pick the one that suits you.
The many different colours and shapes of Chrysanthemum
You may be surprised to find out just how many colour and shapes there are to grow. In almost all colours, the flowers can look more like daisies or pompoms or even spiders. There are so many options. The colours are red to orange, white to pink and simply endless. Chrysanthemum ‘Spider Bronze’ is a really pretty one to try and 'Allouise Orange' with 'Sheer Purple’ can look stunning both in the cut flower patch and in the vase.
Chrysanthemum care
As there are so many varieties of Chrysthanthemum the guidelines for growing vary between them but if you are growing them as cut flowers plant them out after the frosts have finished and make sure they are in a sunny site in fertile well-drained soil. Make sure the soil has had plenty of well-rotted organic matter incorporated. You can encourage more blooms by pinching out in early summer and overwinter cut them back to about 20cm. If you are likely to experience temperatures of -5 and below, lift them and store somewhere cool and dry.
Vases to display your cut Chrysanthemum
When your colourful Chrysthanthemums are ready to be cut for the vase make sure you cut them and remove any foliage that will be below the water in your vase. Keep them blooming for as long as possible with some cut flower feed and remove any dead or damaged foliage. Place them in bright indirect light and enjoy them for up to 7 days or even longer.
If you would like to know more about growing Chrysthanthemums, speak to one of our friendly staff in-store.