Product range Fruit Trees & bushes Apple varieties & descriptionsPear varieties & descriptionsCherry varieties & descriptionsPlums & GageSoft Fruit & bushesFruits & NutsContainer fruitRootstocks made simpleFruit trees for small spaces Bare root Hedging Plants Vegetables TomatoSeed PotatoesSweet & Chilli PeppersOnions & ShallotsPotato container growingVeg for containers Compost & Growing media Lyonshall Compost RangeTo fertilise... or not to fertilise?Compost choicesFeeding your soilSpecial feeds for special plants Seasonal & Bedding Pansy & ViolaPelargonium (Geranium)Primroses Garden furniture Wooden BenchesArchesPlantersSitting prettyA room outsideWinter care for garden furnitureArches Trellis Planters SeatingDecorative Wild Bird care Bird tablesBird baths Houseplants Colourful cactiCracking good containersForcing the issueIndoor greeneryYear-round orchids Trees and shrubs Garden TreesTrees for year-round colourBerrying shrubsConifers for small gardensGARDEN PLANTS FOR WINTER INTEREST Roses Climber or rambler?Roses for cuttingRoses for scentBush Roses Gifts A gardener's Christmas wishlistThe language of flowersGrow-your-own gifts Herbs Herbs for beautyGrow your own bouquet garniHerbs for containersMaking a herb garden Perennials The Chelsea ChopDesigning with perennialsLate summer perennialsWinter perennialsHome Grown Perennials Containers Herb basketsPlastic vs terracottaContainer moodsRight pot, right place Climbers Annual climbersClematis pruning made simpleEdible climbersGrowing grapevines Annuals Good companionsAnnual meadowsSowing annualsAnnuals for pickingAnnuals for wildlife Container plants Container displays to last Seeds Seedy sayingsSeedy strategiesStoring seeds Bulbs Pots of pleasureSmall but perfectly formedTulips that lastSpring feverSummer stars Hand tools Specialist toolsMust-have gardening toolsChoosing tools that fitLook after your lawnCutting edge tools Christmas Fresh Holly Wreath & Christmas PosieFresh Holly WreathsFresh Christmas PosiesFestive Plants this ChristmasGIFTS FOR GARDENERSReal Christmas trees Garden pests Averting cat-astrophesDog-friendly gardeningManaging molesPond predatorsWasps wasted Pet supplies Protection Keeping pests away naturallyGet canny with clochesPlant protectionTackling slugs and snailsWeed wisdom Watering Automatic wateringWatering can wisdomHose attachmentsHosepipe bans: what you need to knowSaving water