The summer months are some of the best in the garden, with an abundance of flowers, lots of fruits and vegetables to harvest and long days into warm evenings. There is nothing better than sitting in the garden early in the morning or early evening watching wildlife and admiring all of your hard work. For a colourful summer garden, there are plenty of flowers that can fill borders, pots and containers no matter what size space you have. Here are some of our favourites.
Grow Gladiolus as summer flowers for a stunning garden
Gladiolus are some of the most flamboyant of the summer flowers. With a vast range of colours from green to red, orange, yellow and a whole mix, the tall stems really stand out. Some varieties may need staking, and many gardeners lift the corms in winter before planting out or replenishing the following year again. Although given a good mulch, they should bloom for several years. They look stunning in a vase as a cut flower as well.
Summer flowers for a stunning garden have to be Sunflowers
Sunflowers are the ray of sunshine in every summer garden. The Sunflower just can't be missed! From low growing varieties perfect for pots to giant, competition entry Sunflowers there are many available including one's with red flowers. Great for kids growing competitions, perfect for birds and insects plus even Autumn interest with beautiful seed heads as well. Sunflowers are magnificent in any summer garden and loved by everyone.
Lovely flowers for a stunning garden should include Antirrhinum
The fragrant, edible and easy to grow and full of colour Snapdragons get the common name as they resemble the face of a dragon that opens and closes its mouth. Looking pretty in borders on in a cut flower patch on the allotment, they also look great in a vase. Not to be missed!
Helichrysum is now popular summer flowers for a stunning garden
This heat and drought tolerant beautiful flower has seen a significant resurgence in recent years, and we think rightly so! An easy to grow annual, that looks fantastic in the garden, and as colourful cut flowers, they can be used in many floral displays.
Summer flowers for a stunning garden must include Dahlias
Dahlias are the one plant most gardeners have for summer and long into autumn borders. Another big hit in the gardening world with so many different varieties and colours. The hot topic is always should the tubers stay in the ground over winter or be lifted, and the answer really is up to you! If they stay in, give them a good mulch, and they should flower for many years.
Brighten up your summer garden with our top picks from our in store stock.