Prune summer jasmine now, while it's still dormant and before all those new delicate shoots start appearing as it's easier to see what you're doing when dealing with bare branches.
The heavy perfume of this spectacular summer climber can fill your garden, and in full flower the plant is smothered in a froth of white blooms. Train its twining stems over a bower or archway, perhaps mixed with the blush-pink rambler rose 'Albertine', to add a touch of true romance to your summer garden.
It's a vigorous grower, though, so keep it in check with careful pruning each year. Start by untying the plant from its supports, then remove about a third of the older branches completely, either at ground level or where they join the main stems. Next, prune out any remaining shoots which are weak, dead or damaged.
Spacing the stems out evenly, train the plant back into its supports so it's nicely arranged across the support, tying it back in loosely (the new flexible rubber-coated plant ties are soft on the plant while holding it firmly in place – take a look at the range in our garden centre). Finally mulch generously to send it into the spring rejuvenated and ready to perform at its best.