Plant lilies en masse in the garden for an explosion of colour and scent – not to mention a magnificent display of huge, showy flowers that takes your breath away.
Bulbs are just appearing on our shelves right now, so the sooner you visit the better your chances of picking up the variety you want. Queen of them all is the pure white trumpet lily, Lilium regale, scented so richly it fills your whole garden. Martagon lilies, with their dainty turk's-cap flowers nodding above dark green leaves, look wonderful peeping out from among shrubs and trees in a woodland setting; while Lilium speciosum var. rubrum, flowering later than most, has dramatic wine-red backswept petals and a delicious scent. This one prefers an acid soil, but if yours is neutral or alkaline it's quite happy in a container of ericaceous compost.
Then there are the easy-going and brilliantly colourful Asiatic hybrids like 'Grand Cru' in yellow with a scarlet throat, and Oriental lilies with the headiest scent of all, flowering a little later and including lovely pure white 'Casablanca'. Whatever your tastes, you're sure to find one that's right for you, and if you just can't choose, ask our staff who will be pleased to help you out!