Give hedges a last trim so they go into the winter with a crisp outline, setting off your garden perfectly and looking particularly handsome just rimed with frost.
Hedges are invaluable in the garden. As well as drawing the boundaries between you and your neighbours, they create protective windbreaks to keep the worst of the weather off your precious plants. Plant mixed hedges with native shrubs like hawthorn, beech, wild rose and blackthorn and you'll also provide a perfect habitat for the local birds, toads, beetles and other wildlife.
Hand shears are fine for smaller hedges but for large boundary hedges, go for an electric hedge trimmer or to really make light work of the job, a powerful petrol model (if you're not sure which to choose, just ask our friendly staff here at the garden centre in Kington).
Do the sides first, sloping them slightly so the bottom is wider than the top to let sunlight reach all parts of the hedge equally. Then cut the top back to just below the height you want it. If you want to reduce the size of your hedge more drastically wait till midwinter for deciduous hedges, or next spring for evergreens.