Look out for lorries full of gardens this summer as the Love the Plot You've Got roadshow goes out and about in our city centres to inspire and entertain you with some fantastic garden ideas.
The roadshow takes a tiny patch of ground and gives you the 'before' - typical of an averagely neglected back garden - and the 'after', three themed ideas for turning it into a stunning outdoor room. It'll be visiting cities from Glasgow to Bristol as well as design shows all over the country - so catch it at a venue near you!
It's all backed up by a website, www.loveyourplot.com, where you can find details of how to transform back yards, balconies and family gardens using clever ideas plus inexpensive accessories and plants you can find at the garden centre to help you transform your outdoor space with minimum cost and effort.
Learn how to give a city balcony a makeover using vertical planting pockets full of herbs, pretty accessories and some well-chosen container plants, or fix up your family garden by pepping up your pots and snazzing up your seating area. There's a custom-made shopping list for each look, so it couldn't be easier to recreate it at home.