February's plant of the month is heather, often unfairly undervalued - but if you dismiss it you're missing a trick, as it's a star performer in the garden at this time of year.
There are over 4000 species to choose from, with flowers in white, pink and purple and foliage colours varying from bright green, olive green and golden, and you're sure to find one to suit your garden.
Ericas are the largest group, with a very long flowering period from November until May. Look out for E. carnea and E. x darleyensis, neither of which need acidic soil to do well and both in flower right now: Erica carnea f. alba 'Springwood White' is a lovely clear white with a trailing habit that looks very fetching allowed to cascade down walls, while E. x darleyensis 'Kramers Rote' is a brilliant magenta pink.
Plant heathers alongside some of the smaller evergreen grasses for contrast, like the bronze Carex comans, steely blue Festuca glauca or the quaking grass Briza media. Add some spring bulbs - dwarf narcissi like 'Jack Snipe' or 'Tete a Tete' look particularly lovely - for a display that looks good from November till August.