Congratulations to Norton in Hales, in Shropshire – this year’s Britain in Bloom Champion of Champions!
The village – population 300 - beat 70 finalists to win the coveted title and judges described it as ‘a beautiful picturesque rural village set in the heart of England’. Among the innovations which won them the top prize were a recycling network which transformed coffee granules and bark mulch into fertiliser and slug repellent, and the huge effort made by residents and volunteers to grow flowers from seed and also recycle plants – making it one of the greenest schemes ever to enter the competition.
Britain in Bloom has become something of a national institution, with almost 300,000 volunteers now donating up to 10.9 million hours a year to turn grey areas of Britain green and enrich people’s life through plants.
Get involved with your local scheme and you’ll not only improve your environment – you’ll meet lots of new like-minded friends while spending time outdoors doing the activity you love most! See www.rhs.org.uk/britaininbloom for more details.
Or you can create your own Britain in Bloom display in your front garden with a selection of beautiful winter bedding, in-flower perennials, grasses and winter-flowering shrubs from the range on sale at our garden centre here in Kington!