Force rhubarb for a sweet treat from the veg garden just when you need it most. Fruit can be thin on the ground at this time of year: the stored apples are almost finished and there's a long wait till the first berries appear in May. So tender, sweet forced rhubarb comes as a welcome early spring delicacy.
Choose an early variety such as 'Stockbridge Arrow', and only force plants which are at least three years old and mature enough to cope. Rhubarb needs chilling to kick-start it into growth, so wait till there's been a lengthy spell of frost, and then upend a dustbin or terracotta rhubarb forcer over the crown – you’ll find both in our garden centre here in Kington. Block any holes or gaps to make sure no light can get in. If you can find some straw or fresh horse manure, heap it up round the outside for insulation and to speed up the forcing process.
After six to eight weeks, remove the cover and you should find dozens of pale pink, slender stems ready to harvest and turn into deliciously sweet crumbles and pies. After picking, allow the rhubarb to 'rest' for at least two years before forcing it again.