It’s National Allotments Week this week and we’re all Growing Together – this year’s theme for the annual celebration of all things allotment-related run by the National Allotment Society.
National Allotment Week
Allotment sites all across the country are opening to the public and welcoming in local communities to see for themselves how plots are open to all sections of society, from the unemployed to the professional, young or old, all races and religions and all levels of ability.
Hazel Grove Allotments in Stockport have created an area suitable for people with restricted mobility, while a member in Porthcawl, south Wales, shares his plot with a group of people with a learning disability and helps them cook the produce they grow. The internationally-renowned People’s Community Garden in Ipswich provides training courses and community events.
Allotments benefit your local community
Despite survey after survey highlighting the importance of access to green space and gardening opportunities, sadly allotments are under increasing pressure from demand for land and dwindling local authority budgets. The National Allotment Society is hoping that visiting allotments will bring home to everyone the benefits of allotments to the whole community, not just plot holders. For more information on allotment sites opening near you, and advice on getting your own allotment, visit www.nsalg.org.uk.