Get ready to refill the greenhouse the moment your summer crops are spent and you can coax an extra crop of leafy veg and salads to see you right through the winter.
Refill your greenhouse
As you pick the last of your tomatoes and the aubergines and green peppers begin running out of steam, sow hardier varieties of lettuce from seed into pots or modules in the cold frame. You can also start winter baby-leaf salad mixes including oriental vegetables like mizuna, red mustard and pak choi by broadcast sowing into seed trays for transplanting later. Other winter veg to appreciate the shelter nof a greenhouse in winter include chard, Chinese cabbage and annual herbs like parsley and chervil.
Greenhouse Gardening in the Winter
After a month or so, you'll have trays of healthy young seedlings ready to step in and take over your greenhouse borders the moment you clear away your toms and aubergines. Once you’ve carted the spent plants off to the compost heap, dig in a little fresh compost to revive the soil and then transplant your youngsters straight into the borders, about 15cm apart. Water in, then keep just damp through winter. You'll be rewarded with a steady harvest of fresh green leaves right through till spring.