Plant Asiatic lilies now for a fabulously exotic display later this summer. Asiatic lilies are among the easiest lilies to grow, and certainly the most spectacular. They tend to flower a little earlier than other lilies and include brilliantly coloured varieties in shades of copper, pink, deepest purple and pure white. For even more wow factor there are also two-tone and double types. Come over to the garden centre in Kington and browse through our selection and see which ones you like best.
Planting Lillies
Asiatic lilies are ideal for filling gaps between low shrubs and perennials, and for filling containers for a spectacular focal point for the patio. Plant the bulbs so they’re covered to about twice their depth with soil, around 15cm below ground level, spaced 20-25cm apart.
Plant in generous groups of at least 7-10 bulbs of a single variety for the greatest impact, so they all flower at the same time for a superb swathe of brilliant colour. Give them a sunny spot in fertile, moist but free-draining soil and provide some support, as those big flowers can be very top-heavy. Feed with high-potassium fertiliser such as tomato feed every fortnight while they’re flowering and until the foliage dies down for an even better display next year.