Greenhouse gardening is ideal for those gardeners who want to extend the gardening season, grow all year round or grow plants that usually don't survive in our gardens. Get started with our step by step guide!
Step 1: Heating
Believe it or not, sometimes you may need to consider heating your greenhouse in order to keep growing through the cooler months of the year or to overwinter some plants. The best way to do this is to use an electric or solar-powered heater. Make sure you get the temperature right to look after your plants all year.
Step 2: Cooling
In the hot summer, you will most likely need to cool the greenhouse to stop plants from wilting or even getting sun scorched on sunny days. Use blinds or some shading to protect your plants and to lower the temperature. Another way of cooling is by spraying water on the floor of the greenhouse which is called damping down. It’s a good way to raise the humidity which helps plants cope with the heat.
Step 3: Ventilation
Especially in warmer weather, your plants will need good ventilation to limit the risk of pests and diseases and give good air flow. It’s a good idea to open the door in the mornings and close it back up in the evening. Other ways to ventilate are to have louvres or even automatic ventilation to ensure things are kept in order even when you are not home.
Step 4: Watering
You’ll need to keep a good eye on your plants in a greenhouse to make sure they are receiving the correct amount of water. During hot, sunny spells pots can dry out very quickly but in the cooler months, you won’t want your plants to be sitting in wet cold soil. The best way to control watering is to keep a check each day. There are watering systems that can drip water to your plants.
Step 5: Cleaning
Maximise light by ensuring you keep the glass clean. This will also help with checking for damage or cracks anywhere on the glass. Inside, each year give your greenhouse a really good clean with warm soapy water and a sponge. Make sure you get into all of the cracks and under staging to get rid of any pests or diseases that overwinter. Another method of cleaning is to use a garlic candle. You will need to empty the greenhouse, close up all vents and the door then light the garlic candle and leave it while the smoke fills up the greenhouse.
Step 6: Growing
You can grow almost all year in a greenhouse from micro greens all year to tomatoes and cucumbers in the summer plus so much more. A greenhouse could be home to an alpine collection or to look after your plants over winter. Use your greenhouse to grow whatever you would like and there’s nothing like still being able to garden even in the rain.
If you would like to fill up your greenhouse with fruit and vegetables visit us in store to find our collection!