Garden Trees
There is one thing for sure a Tree is for life!
A garden without a tree no matter how small, just isn't a garden.
Some of us are fortunate to have plenty of space to plant trees. Whether a Grove, Coppice or a small stand. A Beautiful single specimen, a tree in a container or group of just 3 there is a tree out there for every ones situation.
Trees can be as small as say less than one metre or get to grow to 30 metres+!
At the nursery we do like our trees and you will find a good range.
- Tree planting season is usually from October - March.
- Trees can be planted all year round but need a lot more care to establish if planted in the Summer period.
- We love to help you find something thats going to work for you, so please visit and hopefully we can advise you.
- We can also deliver them. Unfortunately we don't provide a planting service, however, we do have some experts we can put you in touch and get it planted successfully.
Please find below a selection of trees we are stocking this season. Please be aware this is a guide and some varieties may not be available all of the time.
AGM (Award of Garden Merit) means this is a recommended choice by the RHS (Royal Horticultural Society) and has performed well in trials.
List is in alphabetical order of the scientific (latin) names
Acer davidii Viper mindavi | Snake Bark Maple | Upright small tree, green and white bark,orange in autumn | |
Acer griseum | Paper Bark Maple | Ideal small tree, peeling brown bark, brilliant autumn colour | AGM |
Acer platanoides Crimson King | Red Norway Maple | Fast growing, large intense purple leaves, brilliant in autumn | |
Acer x freemanii Autumn Blaze | Freeman Maple | Vigorous, large leaves, vibrant autumn colour | AGM |
Amelanchier canadensis Glenform Rainbow Pillar | Snowy Mespilus | Compact, upright, scented flowers,great autumn colour | |
Amelanchier La Paloma | Snowy Mespilus | White pendulous flowers, copper foliage, ideal small tree | AGM |
Amelanchier laevis R J Hilton | Snowy Mespilus | Free flowering pink buds open to white, deep copper leaves | |
Amelanchier laevis Snowflakes | Snowy Mespilus | Large single white flowers, copper leaves, bushy | |
Amelanchier lamarckii | Snowy Mespilus | Silky copper young leaves, white flowers, spreading habit | AGM |
Amelanchier x grandiflora Robin Hill | Snowy Mespilus | Pink flower buds open to white, finely serated leaves | AGM |
Betula albosinensis Hergest | Birch | Copper brown bark fading to pinkish white, toothed leaves | AGM |
Betula albosinensis Kansu | Chinese Red Bark Birch | Strong growing, peeling copper/pink bark, shiny dark foliage | |
Betula McBeath | Silver Birch | Briliant white bark, slow upright growth, glossly foliage | |
Betula pendula Dalecarlica | Swedish Birch | Tall, slender, drooping branches feathery foliage, white bark | |
Betula pendula Fastigata Joes | Birch | Narrow pyramid, twisting branches, excellent autumn colour | |
Betula pendula Karaca | Dwarf Weeping Birch | Fine feathery yellow green foliage, good in container | |
Betula pendula Spider Alley | Silver Birch | Twisted branches, heart shaped leaves, silver/pink bark | |
Betula pendula Youngii | Youngs Weeping Birch | Mushroom shaped tree, glossy green leaves, autumn colour | |
Betula Red Lady | Red Birch | Strong growing, multicoloured copper and pink bark | |
Betula utilis Buddha | Birch | Fast growing, pinkish copper bark, large glossy leaves | AGM |
Betula utilis Forest Blush | Silver Birch | Smooth white bark with a hint of pink, slender growth | AGM |
Betula utiilis jacquemontii Silver Shadow | Silver Birch | Dazzling white stems, drooping dark green foliage | AGM |
Betula utilis jacquemontii | Himalayan White Birch | Ascending branches, distinctive white bark once mature | |
Betula utilis Nepalese Orange | Himalayan Birch | Copper orange bark, noticeable banding, very hardy tree | |
Betula utilis Snow Queen | Silver Birch | Showy white bark from early age, upright growth | AGM |
Betula utilis Wakehurst Place Chocolate | Himalayan Birch | Upright growth, dark chocolate coloured bark, autumn colour | AGM |
Cersis canadensis Forest Pansy | Red Bud | Rich plum purple heart shaped leaves, pink/purple flowers | AGM |
Cersis canadensis Rising Sun | Red Bud | Yellow/orange young leaves turning lime green, lilac flowers | |
Cersis canadensis Ruby Falls | Weeping Red Bud | Graceful weeping puruple leaved tree, pink flowers | |
Cersis canadensis Merlot | Red Bud | Glossy deep purple heart shaped leaves, pink flowers | |
Cotoneaster frigudus Cornubia | Evergreen Cotoneaster | Vigorous arching semi -evergreen, scented flowers, red fruit | AGM |
Cotoneaster Hybridus Pendulus | Weeping Cotoneaster | Reliable small evergreen tree, white flowers, red fruit | |
Cotoneaster salicifolius Exburiensis | Yellow Cotoneaster | Small bushy evergreeen shrub, white flowers, yellow fruit | AGM |
Crataegus laevigata Crimson Cloud | Crimson Hawthorn | Single crimson and white scented flowers, small red haws | |
Crataegus laevigata Plena | Double White Hawthorn | Small thorny tree, abundant double white flowers, no haws | AGM |
Crataegus laevigata Rosea Flore Pleno | Double Pink Hawthorn | Small thorny tree, double pink flowers, red haws | AGM |
Crataegus succculenta Jubilee | Thorn Tree | Thorny, good autumn colour and large red fruit | |
Eucalyptus gunnii Azura | Gum Tree | More compact, bushy and hardy than E. gunnii | |
Eucalyptus gunnii | Gum Tree | Quick growing large evergreen, silver blue floiage | |
Euonymus hamiltonianus Indian Summer | Spindle Tree | Large shrub, ruby red autumn colour, dusky pink fruit | |
Gleditsia triacanthos Spectrum | Locust Tree | Brilliant yellow-gold foliage, easy to grow | |
Ilex aquifolium Handsworth New Silver | Silver Variegated Holly | Large, dense, prickly, evergreen with red berries | AGM |
Ilex aquifolium J.C. van Tol | Holly | Self fertile, almost spineless evergreen, red berries | AGM |
Ilex aquifolium Nellie R stevens | Holly | Relatively fast, emerald green spiny foliage, red berries | |
Koelreutia paniculata Coral Sun | Golden Rain Tree | Coral shoots, fernlike foliage, yellow flower, autumn colour | AGM |
Liquidambar styraciflua Palo Alto | Sweet gum | Narrow pyramid, fabulous autumn colour, attractive bark | |
Liquidambar styraciflua Thea | Sweet gum | Large conical tree, intense red/burgundy/purple in autumn | |
Liquidambar styraciflua Worplesdon | Sweet gum | Vigorous tree, intense autumn colour and fruit, winter bark | AGM |
Magnolia Aphrodite | Deciduous Magnolia | Upright small tree, intense magenta red tulip-like flowers | |
Magnolia Black Tulip | Deciduous Magnolia | Vigorous,large burgundy purple blooms | |
Magnolia Daybreak | Deciduous Magnolia | Broad pyramid, fragrant large rose pink flowers | AGM |
Magnolia Elisa Odenwald | Deciduous Magnolia | Small upright tree, large fragrant white flowers | |
Magnolia Genie | Deciduous Magnolia | Compact, flowers tulip shaped, rich maroon | |
Magnolia Honey Tulip | Deciduous Magnolia | Small tree, goblet shaped golden yellow flowers | |
Magnolia Livingstone | Deciduous Magnolia | Small upright tree, vibrant dark purple red flowers | |
Magnolia Premier Cru | Deciduous Magnolia | Round spreading tree,deep rosy red flowers | |
Magnolia Summer Solstice | Deciduous Magnolia | Upright small tree, fragrant cup shaped deep pink flowers | |
Malus Brandy Wine | Crab Apple | Fragrant double rose pink flower, large yellow fruit | |
Malus brevipes Wedding Bouquet | Crab Apple | Single ivory flowers, tiny dark red fruit all winter | |
Malus Butterball | Crab Apple | Pink buds, white flowers, marble sized yellow fruit | |
Malus Candymint | Weeping Crab Apple | Dainty weeping tree, soft pink flowers, purple fruit | |
Malus Comtesse de Paris | Crab Apple | Delicate white flowers, small yellow fruit through winter | AGM |
Malus Dr Campbells (Robert's Crab) | Crab Apple | Abundant pink flowers, exceptionally large dark fruit | |
Malus Evereste | Crab Apple | Large soft pink flowers, red/yellow fruit, good pollinator | AGM |
Malus Evereste Patio (M27) | Dwarf Crab Apple | As above but on dwarfing rootstock | |
Malus floribunda | Japanese Crab Apple | Pretty tree, red buds, blush flowers,red/yellow fruit | AGM |
Malus Gorgeous | Crab Apple | Compact, scented pale pink blossom, mini red apples | |
Malus Indian Magic | Crab Apple | Magenta pink flowers, red/orange fruit through winter | |
Malus ioensis Fimbriata | Prairie Crab Apple | Spectacular fragrant pink double flowers, few fruit | |
Malus ioensis Purpurea Evelyn | Prairie Crab Apple | Purple leaves, single rose red flowers, variable fruit | |
Malus Jelly King | Crab Apple | Vigorous, compact, white flower,large pinkish fruit | AGM |
Malus Louisa | Weeping Crab Apple | Graceful, rose pink flowers, golden fruit | |
Malus Pink Perfection | Crab Apple | Double pink and white flowers, small red fruit | |
Malus Prairie Fire | Crab Apple | Upright, vibrant deep pink flowers, purple fruit | |
Malus purpurea Crimson Cascade | Weeping Crab Apple | Small, bronzy foliage, single pink flowers, red fruit | |
Malus Scarlet Brandywine | Crab Apple | Fragrant deep rose pink flowers, pumpkin orange fruit | |
Malus Sugar Tyme | Crab Apple | Pink buds, fragrant white flowers, purple red fruit | |
Malus Sun Rival | Weeping Crab Apple | Fragrant delicate pink flowers, dark red fruit | AGM |
Malus toringo Aros | Dwarf Crab Apple | Burgundy foliage, pink/purple flowers, dark red fruit | AGM |
Malus toringo sargentii Tina Patio | Dwarf Crab Apple | Small, white flowers with gold anthers, cherrylike fruit | |
Malus trilobata Guardsman | Crab Apple | Rare, distinctive, large white flowers, small green fruit | |
malus tschonoskii Belmonte | Crab Apple | Blue green leaf, small white flowers, yelow/brown fruit | |
Malus x robusta Red Sentinel | Crab Apple | Blush white fragrant flowers, large bright red fruit | AGM |
Malus x robusta Red Sentinel Patio (M27) | Dwarf Crab Apple | As above but on dwarfing rootstock | AGM |
Populus nigra Hanging Tree | Black Poplar | Large tree, foliage has balsam fragrance | |
Prunus Beni-yutuka | JapaneseFlowering Cherry | Semi-double sugar pink flowers, distinct eye | AGM |
Prunus Catherine | JapaneseFlowering Cherry | Single white flowers in late winter/very early spring | |
Prunus Fragrant Cloud (Shizuka) | JapaneseFlowering Cherry | Scented large semi-double white flowers | AGM |
Prunus Hokusai | JapaneseFlowering Cherry | Vigorous, flowers semi-double pink scented | AGM |
Prunus Ichiyo (Pink Champagne) | JapaneseFlowering Cherry | Vigorous, frilled double shell pink flowers | AGM |
Prunus incisa Mikinori Patio | JapaneseFlowering Cherry | Very small tree, pink buds, white flowers | AGM |
Prunus incisa Oshidori Princesse Patio | Dwarf Fuji Cherry | Blush white/delicate pink flowers | AGM |
Prunus incisa Pendula Patio | Weeping Fuji Cherry | Small, graceful, delicate single white flowers | AGM |
Prunus incisa Yamadei Patio | Dwarf Fuji Cherry | Small umbrella shape, single white bell shaped flowers | AGM |
Prunus Kanzan | JapaneseFlowering Cherry | Strong growing, dense double bright pink flowers | AGM |
Prunus Kiku-shidare-zakura (120 cm) | Weeping Cherry | Small weeping tree, double pink flowers | |
Prunus Mikurama-gaeshi | JapaneseFlowering Cherry | Small tree, dense single blush pink flowers | |
Prunus Okame | JapaneseFlowering Cherry | Small single deep pink flowers, autumn fruit | AGM |
Prunus pendula Stellata | Japanese Weeping Cherry | Small, graceful, clear pink star shaped flowers | AGM |
Prunus Pink Parasol 'Hanagasa' | JapaneseFlowering Cherry | Graceful, heavy clusters of largepale pink flowers | |
Prunus Pink Perfection | JapaneseFlowering Cherry | Exotic double rose pink flowers, long lasting | AGM |
Prunus Royal Flame 'Mieke' | JapaneseFlowering Cherry | Pyramid with small fragrant pure white flowers | |
Prunus Shirotae | JapaneseFlowering Cherry | Large semi-double fragrant white flowers. Classic. | AGM |
Prunus Snow Showers | Weeping Cherry | Small weeping tree, dense single white flowers | |
Prunus Snow Showers Patio (90 cm) | Weeping Cherry | ||
Prunus Tai-haku | Great White Cherry | Very large single ice-white flowers | AGM |
Prunus Taoyame (120 cm) | JapaneseFlowering Cherry | Elegant, semi double shell pink scented flowers | AGM |
Prunus x subhirtella Autumnalis | Autumn Cherry | Small tree, semi-double white flower from November | |
Prunus x subhirtella Autumnalis Rosea | Autumn Cherry | Semi double pale pink flower from November | AGM |
Prunus x subhirtella Autumnalis Rosea TW | Grafted Autumn Cherry | Double pink autumn cherry grafted on P.serrula trunk | |
Salix alba Golden Ness | Golden Willow | Vigorous, golden winter branches, hard prune | AGM |
Salix alba Golden Curls | Corkscrew Willow | Pendulous tree, twisted stems and leaves | |
Sorbus aucuparia Croft Coral | Mountain Ash | Neat tree, coral orange fruit | |
Sorbus Autumn Spire | Mountain Ash | Small, upright, yellow berries with red centre | AGM |
Sorbus bissetii Pearls | Mountain Ash | Small, elegant, pale pink berries | |
Sorbus cashmiriana | Mountain Ash | Pink tinted flowers, large persistent white berrries | |
Sorbus Chinese Lace | Mountain Ash | Deep cut foliage, abundant dark red fruit | |
Sorbus discolor | Mountain Ash | Small, upright, orange fruit | |
Sorbus Eastern Promise | Mountain Ash | Dense clusters of deep rose pink fruit | AGM |
Sorbus folgneri Emiel | Whitebeam | Narrow leaves, white beneath, orange red fruit | AGM |
Sorbus hupiensis Pink Pagoda | Mountain Ash | Blue green leaves, persistent pink fruit | |
Sorbus Pink Ness | Mountain Ash | Mauve pink fruit, good autumn colour | |
Sorbus pseudovilmorinii | Mountain Ash | Very small, ferny leaves, rose red berries | |
Sorbus Ravensbill | Mountain Ash | Small upright, orange berries, distinctive black winter buds | |
Sorbus ulleungensis Olympic Flame | Mountain Ash | Columnar, feathery leaves, orange red berries | AGM |
Sorbus vilmorinii Pink Charm | Mountain Ash | Small tree, feathery leaves, pink fruit | |
Sorbus Wisley Gold | Mountain Ash | Strong growing, toothed foliage, huge bunches of golden fruit | AGM |
Taxodium distichum Shawnee Brave | Swamp Cypress | Narrow pyramid to 20m, soft green fooliage, tawny in autumn | |
Taxodium imbricarium Nutans | Swamp Cypress | Tall column, drooping branches, orange brown in autumn | |
Taxodium Peve Minaret | Swamp Cypress | Very small, slow growing, fern like foliage, autumn colour | |